You have to love a child's imagination. Some of the excuses that they can come up with are amazing. Usually my daughter's excuses are limited to reasons why she can't go to bed, however, the following is her first excuse to attempt to get out of trouble. What an attempt it was!
A couple of weeks ago, my oldest decided to get her own breakfast instead of waking her grandmother up to help her. What did she have...a banana and a slice of whole wheat bread. Okay, it was a pretty good breakfast for a not quite 4 years old. She then decided that she would be very independent and feed 2 of our dogs breakfast as well. And what did they enjoy? Well, bananas and bread of course. Let me be more specific...They had a total of 4 bananas, 1 loaf (minus 1 slice that my daughter had) of whole wheat bread, and a half loaf of homemade wheat bread! All the while, her grandmother and sister were sleeping. I, who was at work, eventually received a text from her grandmother that simply stated "call me". The worst was going through my mind. I quickly called and grandma explained the events to me. Besides being relieved that it was nothing more serious, I was confused as to why she did it, upset about all the wasted food, laughing to myself at what a sight it would have been, and of course, worried about what kind of effect this would have on the dogs. During dinner that night, I started to question my daughter about why she fed the dogs all that food. After several minutes of her thinking and me rephrasing the question a couple times, I finally had an answer... "The worm in the clock made me do it"! There you go. That's the best excuse I have heard all year. It even beats the excuse her daddy used to tell his mom when he didn't want to get in trouble which was "The elephant did it".