Sunday, September 11, 2011

10 Years Ago

Do you remember where you were?

I was at work in a casino as a 21 dealer. I didn't even realize what was going on at first. I was on break and ready for my 20 minute nap. I saw the image of the first tower on fire and remember thinking nothing of it. At that time, we did not have much information as the news station was just starting the coverage. I returned to work and was dealing to a player when news of the second tower being hit came in. Suddenly, the casino looked like a ghost town. Most, if not all the players returned to their rooms to watch the news for themselves. Shortly after, casino management changed all the televisions in the sports book to the news channels so us employees could somewhat follow along with what was going on. As I watched the screens in horror, I kept thinking that things were going to get worse. When I finally was able to go home, my husband and I were glued to the television all day long, watching and crying as the events unfolded. We learned later that my husband's uncle and family was on board a plane, sitting on the runway, waiting to take off for New York, when the second tower was hit. We are very thankful that his plane never did take off. Unfortunately, others were not so lucky.

Where were you on that tragic morning when history was forever changed?

NYC Twin Lights 9/11 "Tribute in  Lights"  Memorial 2005

1 comment:

  1. I was on my way to work when I heard about the first plane (assumed to be a small aircraft) hit the first tower. I spent the day at the office, where there were layoffs, lots of them, all day. Our company's first large layoffs in its history, and on that day. Lost many friends in many ways that day. My {then fiance, now husband} was off that day, intending to go to the Cubs game with a friend, and obviously didn't end up going. My birthday is the 12, and a friend of ours was induced on the 11th in the morning, and had to endure a few hours of tragedy before refusing the TV and finally welcoming a beautiful baby girl into the world. So many emotions that day, and so many on this anniversary, as with all of them.
