I love cooking, but I can be very anal about it. I love to try new recipes, but if that recipe has a picture with it I am in trouble. Even though I know the picture is air brushed so that it is flawless, I get it in my head that my meal should come out looking like that. Of course we all now that it never does right? Not exactly. This was a few years ago, but I had found a salmon recipe and it looked and sounded really good. So, I set out to duplicate it. And I did! In fact, I think it may have actually looked better than the picture. The problem...pictures can be deceiving. After working so hard to make sure things were perfect, the meal was finally done, table set, and my husband and I were ready to eat. One bite in and we decided that the meal was not as appetizing as it looked. We actually threw almost all of it away and ordered pizza instead.
Needless to say, I have somewhat learned not to go by the pictures. I still like for my meals to come out looking like the pictures, so now I just try to find recipes that do not have them.
I, too, would love it if my meals came out looking as good as the pictures, but sadly, that's really not my reality. I love to cook, but have learned to take pleasure in how "homemade" most of my meals look. :)